Technical Assistance Facility (TAF)

In 2021, AgDevCo launched the AgDevCo TAF. AgDevCo recognises that it takes more than patient capital to build sustainable commercial agribusinesses. For investees to grow in a financially, environmentally, and socially sustainable way, they also require access to fit-for-purpose technical expertise. Through the TAF, AgDevCo provides technical assistance that enables businesses to reduce risks and ensure they are equipped with the right tools and know-how to succeed, as well as maximise the impact of their work beyond their core business.

We actively consider opportunities to champion each of these themes through all of our technical assistance work. 

Gender Equality

Climate Resilience

Smallholder Development

We actively consider opportunities to champion each of these themes through all of our technical assistance work.

To qualify for TAF support businesses must:

  • Be able to demonstrate the enhanced impact of the proposed project on the business and it’s stakeholders,
  • Be a current, active investee of AgDevCo
  • Make matching contributions to the fund the initiative
  • For case studies and further information please see AgDevCo TAF’s brochure.
  • AgDevCo is accepting proposals for Technical Assistance Projects from it’s investees. Please speak to your Investment Team representatives to connect with the TAF team.

TAF Brochure

Download the Technical Assistance Facility brochure for further information and detailed case studies.

Download the brochure

Sharing Knowledge

Beyond providing investee businesses with targeted technical support, knowledge and skills transfer are intrinsic to our technical assistance. AgDevCo recognises the value of continually improving its own knowledge of best practice to effectively share knowledge across the investment portfolio and with external audiences.

Equally, we recognise that we are well-placed to broker knowledge and share lessons learned between investees and other industry stakeholders.

We convene workshops, webinars or other knowledge sharing events, as well as produce case studies and other learning publications, in support of this. Knowledge sharing resources produced through our TAF can be found here.

TAF's Impact

The TAF aims to enhance the impact of AgDevCo’s portfolio by supporting investees to build more inclusive value chains, and become more commercially, environmentally and socially sustainable, thereby extending or deepening their impact.

To achieve this, the TAF uses a variety of methods to build the capabilities of investees to better manage and grow their businesses responsibly, incorporate better policies and procedures, and apply more inclusive and efficient value chain practices. The facility also supports the development and piloting of specific solutions and strategies for AgDevCo’s investees.

Thriving and expanding responsible businesses will provide more decent employment to people, including women, and provide more profitable and stable market access to small-scale farmers, traders and consumers.

By having better knowledge, access to inputs and market opportunities, small-scale farmers, traders and consumers will be more productive, efficient, sustainable and resilient, allowing them to sell more produce, more predictably and at better prices to investees and others, including to local markets. The improvements in employment and market access will increase income and make it more reliable, thereby improving the livelihoods of the poor, including improving food security through greater economic and physical access to food.

TAF Theory of Change

TAF Funders

AgDevCo’s TAF is fortunate to have generous support from the following organisations:

AgDevCo’s previous technical assistance facility was called the Smallholder Development Unit (SDU).

The SDU ran from 2015 to early 2021, and was a specialist US$15m facility that benefitted from support from the Mastercard Foundation and UK Aid.

During its operations, the SDU’s work reached 520,000 smallholder farmers (43% women), supported the training or provision of extension services to 414,000 smallholder farmers (42% women), and helped to convert 120,000 hectares of land to production under improved agricultural practices, among many other achievements.