
An East African agribusiness platform focussing on horticulture production and distribution.

Investment information

Committed investment
Primary production with added-value activity
Primary value chain focus
Committed investment
Primary value chain focus

Expected impact

Jobs created / maintained
Jobs/created maintained for women
Average annual income
Jobs created / maintained
Jobs/created maintained for women
Average annual income

Our role

An East African agribusiness platform focussing on horticulture production and distribution. AgDevCo’s investment will support the growth of Agris’ production and distribution of high-quality herbs, vegetables, and avocados from its farms in Kenya, serving domestic and international markets.

AgDevCo has supported Agris with TA to trial and measure the effect of regenerative agriculture practices as part of investee-specific regen ag action plans and biodiversity action plans to ultimately develop a practical toolkit that can be used across the portfolio to reliably measure the effects of regen ag practices in operations. Further TA support was provided to the business for capacity building and the development and implementation of good practice aligned Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) in line with AgDevCo’s Responsible Business Principles (RBPs) to work towards alignment with the IFC Performance Standards.

AgDevCo has also supported Agris' herbs business with TA to improve resource use efficiency by de-risking the introduction of new technologies for irrigation monitoring, pest monitoring/spraying, fertigation, conduct an assessment of mechanisation options to improve operational efficiency and support to improve quality assurance systems at the packhouse.

Our investments in Kenya

Investment Total invested Start date
Agris $7,000,0002024
Evergreen Avocado Limited $8,000,0002023
Sagana Nuts $1,200,0002021
Victory Farms Limited $4,000,0002021